DIY: Leather Cleaning and Conditioning

Difficulty Level

Tools/Supplies Needed:

• bucket of warm water
• two clean lint free cloths
• Spray Nine mixed with water (50/50)
• vacuum
• soft toothbrush
• leather conditioner


• first start by cleaning any debris off the seat which can cause scratches using the vacuum
• spread any of the leather seams, using the tooth brush and vacuum, brush the seam cracks to clean the debris
• brush gently so you don't destroy the finish on the leather
• using the hot water and cloth, give the seat a good whip down
• if there is any stains or dirt, use the diluted mixed solution of Spray Nine, spraying it on the cloth and rubbing the area gently
• whip down the seat again with a damp cloth to ensure there is no soap residue left over
• wait for the seat to dry
• generously apply the conditioner to the seat and ensure there is an even coat over the leather
• apply more coats of leather conditioner if needed

Video tutorial on how to clean and condition your vehicle's leather seats. Taking care of your leather will help prevent it from excessively wearing out or cracking over time. When cleaning the leather, you will want to make sure any debris which can scratch or damage the leather is removed before whipping it down and applying a conditioner. This particular tutorial was done on a 1997 BMW 540i.