Difficulty Level
Tools/Supplies Needed:
• bucket of warm water
• two clean lint free cloths
• Spray Nine mixed with water (50/50)
• vacuum
• soft toothbrush
• leather conditioner
• first start by cleaning any debris off the seat which can cause scratches using the vacuum
• spread any of the leather seams, using the tooth brush and vacuum, brush the seam cracks to clean the debris
• brush gently so you don't destroy the finish on the leather
• using the hot water and cloth, give the seat a good whip down
• if there is any stains or dirt, use the diluted mixed solution of Spray Nine, spraying it on the cloth and rubbing the area gently
• whip down the seat again with a damp cloth to ensure there is no soap residue left over
• wait for the seat to dry
• generously apply the conditioner to the seat and ensure there is an even coat over the leather
• apply more coats of leather conditioner if needed