DIY: How to Sharpen a Center Punch

Difficulty Level

Tools/Supplies Needed:

• bench grinder
• center punch
• safety glasses


• the tip angle of a center punch should be about 60 degrees
• this ensure it will mark correctly and have a long life expectancy
• when sharpening, the grinder wheel must turn in such a manner where it'll pull the material away from the tip
• ensure that the center point of the bit stays centered
• be careful not to overheat it so it does not wreck the temper of the metal
• also when sharpening, move the center punch along evenly while spinning on the grinding wheel which ensures even wear on the grinding wheel

Video tutorial on how to sharpen a center punch. After usage a center punch can either dull or chip which does not make it mark as efficiently as it should. A center punch can be resharpened to make it functional again, there is no need to throw it away. Make sure you wear safety glasses when doing this procedure. An angle gauge can be used, but is not necessary. The more practice you get, the better you will become at sharpening center punch. I do this by free hand, no special tools are required for the procedure.